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At CCFC, classrooms are arranged so that children can make choices on their own: the physical space is oriented to them so that they may reach toys and other objects themselves, and learning materials are grouped in a way that helps them see the connections between related objects. Teachers support children's learning by promoting inquiry with caring interactions and by facilitating activities that help children develop social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills. 


Play is a critical way to help children explore new ideas, practice skills and work out solutions to problems. As children choose an activity, make a plan and follow through, they are learning how to learn. Teachers are there to share in their discoveries, to listen to their stories, to comfort them when they need support, and to celebrate their successes. 


Most importantly, children learn that they are valued.


Ages 4 - 36 months

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The first three years of life are a period of immense growth. Our infants and young toddlers are provided a safe and supportive environment where they can discover the world around them through play and exploration guided by caregivers who nurture their growth in individually responsive ways. Talking and listening with eyes, as well as ears, provide the early stages of communication skills and language development. Children's primary language is used whenever possible. The children in the older toddler centers build with blocks, play with sand and water, run and climb, look at books, color, paint, glue, and play with dolls.


  • Hayes Valley

    • Mary Lane Infant & Toddler Center

  • Potrero Hill

    • Oscaryne Williams Infant & Toddler Center

  • Visitacion Valley

    • Heritage Infant & Toddler Center​

    • John King Infant & Toddler Center

  • Western Addition

    • Golden Gate Center

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Ages 3 - 5 years

Our preschool centers offer slightly older children opportunities for exploration at more challenging levels. Teachers provide children with project-based learning and plan play activities that include creative experiences with art, science, math and language expression. Families of four- and five-year-olds are invited and encouraged to participate in "Kindergarten Workshops" to assist in the preparation for their child's transition to Kindergarten.



  • Potrero Hill

    • Cleo Wallace Preschool

  • Richmond

    • Richmond Center

  • Tenderloin

    • Turk Preschool

  • Visitacion Valley

    • Raymond Center

    • Leland Center

    • Tucker Preschool

  • Western Addition

    • Marcus Garvey Preschool

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The School-Age Programs offered by Cross Cultural Family Center provide a haven for children in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade where they relax, have fun, and learn! After school, children begin their afternoon at CCFC with a snack and the opportunity to play outside. Activities such as art and cooking projects are also offered during the early afternoon. Later, students work on homework with the support from teachers. Families of the children are invited to attend "Homework Workshops" one evening per week, where participants receive one-on-one time with a teacher for both parents and children to work together on homework support.



  • Tenderloin

    • Turk Preschool

  • Visitacion Valley

    • Raymond Center


© 2024 by The Cross Cultural Family Center, Inc.

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